My name is Anthony Maina Gioko. I am a facilitator by profession. I facilitate learning opportunities at the Aga Khan Academy,Mombasa aka Centre of Excellence. The school comprises a community of 23 different countries of the world. The school is located in East Africa. My area of specialization is Mathematics, Physics and Information technology.

Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Are you interested in Blogging?

These are some tools downloaded from

Free blog hosting services



James Farmer's edublogs and uniblogs

Live Journal


blog customizing services

Drupal (an open source tool allowing you to produce highly customized websites and blogs)
Wordpress (free)
Movable Type (not free)

blog aggregator or subscription services


Google Reader

other sites of interest for blogs

Technorati (a searching and ranking site for blogs)
Google Blog Search

James Farmer's list from 2005 of multi-user blogging tools

Flickr (for storing, searching and tagging pictures)
Tag Clouds on Technorati

Recommended reading on blogs

UW Professor Greg Downey's paper: "Using weblogs in the classroom at UW-Madison

Stephen Downes' article: "Educational Blogging"

WIDE webtext (in the online journal Kairos): "Why Teach Digital Writing"

James Farmer and Anne Bartlett-Bragg's paper: "Blogs@Anywhere: High fidelity online communication"

Richard Ferdig and Kaye D. Trammell's article: "Content Delivery in the Blogosphere"

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